Do you want to create a fintech app?

With the recent fintech boom across the world, fintech has been quite a lucrative opportunity for investors, businesses, and startups alike. However, entering this industry can be a daunting task.

Driven by state-of-the-art technology and constant innovation, fintech is something else.

But for those persistent ones out there, we have got you covered.

In this guide to fintech app development, we shall be covering everything from market statistics to the development process, the cost to develop a fintech app, and much more.

Therefore, with this being said, let’s get right into it:

FinTech App Market Statistics

Ever wondered what all the fuss was about, and why everyone wanted to create a fintech app?

In a bid to better understand the booming market; let’s look at some insightful fintech statistics. These are, as mentioned below:

  • As of 2023, the global fintech sector is valued at $179 billion, driven by approximately 30,000 startups. In China, 90% of citizens embrace fintech banking, while globally, the financial sector is anticipated to reach $26.5 trillion in 2022, boasting a 6% CAGR.
  • Visa leads the fintech landscape, commanding a valuation nearing half a trillion USD. Fintech unicorns, numbering 48, collectively hold a market share surpassing $187 billion, constituting over 1% of the worldwide financial industry.
  • A 2015 Goldman Sachs study suggests potential disruption of up to $4.7 trillion in traditional financial services revenue by fintech. Notably, 60% of credit unions and 49% of U.S. banks recognize the importance of fintech partnerships.
  • Digital payments have emerged as a dominant fintech product, claiming 25% of the market share. The Nasdaq lists 463 fintech-related stocks, reflecting the sector’s significance in the global market.
  • By Q2 2022, Asia contributes 24% of global fintech deals, ranking second only to the U.S. in deal volume. Moreover, 90% of fintech companies globally heavily leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning.

fintech facts infographic

Now that we are done with the basic overview of the market, it’s time to learn the basics of fintech.

What Are FinTech Apps?

So, what are fintech apps?

While these are apps that we use day to day, there are still a number of people who are not familiar with the theoretical concept of fintech. So before we discuss how to create a fintech app, let’s see what these are.

The term Fintech stands for FINancial TECHnology.

With that cleared, “fintech apps” refer to every financial service that is delivered via digital technology in the form of a mobile application.

Some common examples of the same are online payment apps like PayPal and NeoBanks like Revolut.

Currently, there are n number of offerings covered under the umbrella term fintech, giving us a range of categories. To better understand what fintech apps are, let’s look at them in the section below.

Types of FinTech Apps

If you want to know how to start a fintech app, the first thing to do is choose which type you want to develop.

In other words, there are a range of different types of fintech apps with unique offerings and value to the user. Often also known as Fintech Business models.

Types of Fintech Apps

Take a look at each one of them below:

Type 1. InsurTech – Insurance App

So, what are insurance apps?

Insurance is one of the largest sectors of the financial market. And these divisions translate exactly into the fintech market. And with the digitalization of the sector, insurance offerings have become InsurTech.

In fact, these are some of the most popular fintech apps on the market as of today. This is why so many insurance companies are planning to launch an insurance app of their own.

Type 2. Regtech App

It goes without saying that Fintech is one of the most highly regulated industries due to the sheer amount of funds and sensitive data involved.

Here, whether you are a traditional bank or an online platform, it’s important to be compliant. To help businesses achieve this status, RegTech was introduced.

Stands for Regulation Technology: RegTech apps make use of the latest technology and market trends to help businesses stay compliant with the most important fintech regulations.

Type 3. NeoBank

For the past 500 years or even more, the traditional banking system has been more or less the same. However, it’s time for a change.

This change comes in the form of NeoBank App Development.

For those who don’t know, NeoBank means “new banks”. In simple words, these banks work just like traditional banks with all the same offers.

But one big difference is that NeoBanks don’t have any physical branches or headquarters. Every process is online and customers can get most of this done right from the comfort of their smartphone.

Type 3. Ewallet App

With fintech statistics suggesting the eWallet market will hit USD 489.3 Billion by 2030, This is one of the largest categories of fintech.

eWallet app development has become a favorite in the business world.

For those who don’t know, eWallet apps are virtual representations of your wallet. This enables users to send money, receive money, manage bank accounts, book tickets, pay bills online, apply for financial products, and many more things.

Top eWallet apps across the world are used by billions of people across the world. You have probably used a few of those yourself, as they most popular type of fintech apps.

Type 4. Mobile Banking App

Fintech apps are changing the banking industry.

Mobile bank apps are the direct result of the digitalization of traditional banks. However, they are inherently different from neobanking apps.

These apps let the user manage their bank account, send money, consult bank tellers online, and basically access all the banking services from their smartphone. However, this isn’t a digital-only bank, they do have a physical branch.

Mobile banking app development has become the go-to solution for financial institutions in recent years with the most popular example being Bank of America App.

Type 5. Investment App

Investment and stock trading app development is yet another popular form of fintech apps.

As the name suggests, these mobile applications are designed to let users access the stock market for trading or investing purposes.

To enable easy oversight and management, there are various integrated tools. This includes market overview via graphs, push notifications, investing advice, and more.

Stock market apps like TradingView are a popular example of the same.

Type 6. Lending App

Traditional loans are notorious for being hard to get and even harder to repay. And truth be told, users don’t always need that much money.

Sometimes they are looking for smaller loans or what we call soft loans.

Fintech heard user’s needs and delivers, Loan lending apps. As the name suggests, these apps let users tap into small loan amounts that are credited directly to their bank account and can be repaid in flexible EMIs.

This has made Loan lending app development one of the most popular categories within the fintech app market.

Type 7. Budgeting Apps

Lastly, we have budgeting apps.

These apps don’t offer any service per se but rather bring a range of tools to use that help them track, manage, and sort their finances.

If we go by the number of users, top budgeting apps stand as the most popular fintech apps. Some common examples of the same would be financial literacy apps or expense manager apps.

Now that we are done with the various types of fintech apps, let’s move one step closer to building a fintech app.

Most Successful FinTech Apps

Do you want to build a fintech app that stands out from the rest and become the next market leader in your niche?

If you want to be the best, you have to learn from the best.

Most Successful Fintech Apps

Take a look at the top fintech apps in the market and learn from their success stories. These are, as mentioned below:

► Acorns

The first on our list is Acorns.

Can you imagine automatically rounding up your latte purchases and watching them blossom into a diversified portfolio? Well, this app makes that possible.

Acorns makes investing effortless, perfect for your “set it and forget it” app. This is what makes it one of the most popular “money-making apps”.

► Chime

Who hasn’t heard of Chime?

It is the app that lets users ditch clunky bank branches and embrace the future of mobile banking.

Chime lets you access your paycheck early, score free ATM withdrawals, and track your spending like a hawk.

With this app, you can say goodbye to banking fees and hello to financial clarity.

► Dave

Overdraft chills got you down? Dave is your financial superhero.

The app spots you cash for unexpected expenses, helps you build credit like a boss, and keeps your budget in check.

This is what makes Dave one of the biggest examples of why so many companies want to create a loan lending app.

► Mint

Have you ever wondered, where the heck your money go?

Mint cracks the code, meticulously categorizing your transactions, setting spending goals, and sending friendly nudges to keep you on track.

It’s like having a financial therapist living on your phone.

► M1 Finance

Now, users can unleash their inner Wall Street whiz without hefty fees.

M1 lets everyone build custom portfolios, automate trades like a pro, and even borrow against your investments at competitive rates.

With this investment app, financial freedom just got a whole lot more accessible.

► Robinhood

So many people want to create an investment platform like Robinhood. But what is Robinhood?

It’s a platform that lets users trade stocks, options, and even crypto, all commission-free, right from their palm.

Robinhood democratizes investing, offering educational resources and a vibrant community to guide you along the way. Time to join the investment revolution!

► SoFi

For every person suffering from student loans, this is the app you have been looking for.

SoFi swoops in like a knight in shining armor, refinancing those suckers at lower rates.

Plus, the user gets a sleek banking app and investing tools, all under one roof. With this app, consider your financial future sorted.

► Stash

Investing shouldn’t feel intimidating.

Stash lets users dip their toes in with bite-sized, thematic portfolios starting at just a buck.

Learn as you go with their educational content, and watch your confidence (and portfolio) grow one micro-investment at a time.

► Wise

Do you want to create a money transfer app?

Wise, Formerly TransferWise is OG in the money transfer niche. Sending money internationally shouldn’t feel like robbing a bank. And with this app, it doesn’t.

Wise cuts to hidden fees give you transparent exchange rates and tracks your transfers in real time. The world is your oyster (minus the pearl-diving expenses).

The best part is that there are a lot of apps like TransferWise to learn from.

► Venmo

Splitting bills with friends shouldn’t involve awkward silences and Venmo makes it smooth sailing. Send and receive money instantly, add emoji reactions, and settle debts with a playful vibe.

In addition to this, it is also one of the best NFC payment apps, enabling seamless contactless payments without any hassle.

These are the top fintech apps on the market. And with this out of the way, let’s see why so many people love to use fintech apps in their day-to-day life.

How are FinTech Apps Helping Change the World? Benefits for Users

Before building mobile apps for fintech, it’s a good idea to understand how they drive value to users.

You see, if you want to build a fintech mobile app that’s successful among users, you need to drive value. And looking at the statistics, it’s clear that fintech apps are doing just that.

Fintech Apps Benefits for Users

But how? Why do people love fintech apps?

Let’s answer that question in this section of the blog, looking at the several benefits fintech apps offer to their end users.

1. Enhanced Convenience

One of the biggest factors that make fintech apps such a household thing is the enhanced convenience these appsoffer.

There are various ways fintech apps enable this added convenience to their users. For instance, they provide frictionless transactions to users. Enabling them to send money to their friends in a different country or pay for groceries at a neighborhood store.

But that’s not all, in addition to the convenience of digital payment, AI in fintech also enables automation in various forms.

One example is scheduled bill payments, automated Investing and Financial Management. There are several other ways fintech apps enhance convenience for their users, but you get the gist of it.

2. Increased Transparency

User wants to know what is happening with their data and money. And fintech apps offer just that. Here’s how it works:

Starting personalized financial insights, fintech apps are known to provide their customers with detailed logs of every transaction.

This includes the time of the transaction, the account involved, status, and so on. In addition to this, there are various other tools that provide insights into CIBIL, and credit history, among other things.

3. Unmatched Financial Security

When speaking about security, there’s hardly any match for a fintech solution.

Let’s talk about eWallet app security for example. These fintech apps come equipped with all manner of technologies. This includes tokenization, encryption, biometric authentication, multi-factor authentication, and blockchain integration, among other things.

It goes without saying that fintech companies invest a lot in app security. This is one of the big factors that build trust among users leading to a more loyal user base.

4. Positive Social and Environmental Impact

While you might have heard of it, fintech apps do have a positive impact on society as well as the environment.

Have you ever heard of “Green Fintech”?

These are fintech practices that reduce carbon emissions and pollution, contributing less to global warming.

In addition to this, social Impact Investing comes in the form of fintech apps connecting investors with social enterprises, tackling issues like poverty, education, and climate change, and driving positive change through financial means.

5. Financial Inclusion

Lastly, we have one of the biggest driving factors why people love fintech apps “financial inclusion”.

In addition to providing financial literacy, companies also build a fintech app to bank the unbanked.

Understand it like this, while a bank can’t open their branch in every small town or village, everyone has mobile phones capable of running fintech apps. With this, the unbanked and underprivileged sector of society can take advantage of these services.

Furthermore, these apps also provide microloans, which have helped a lot of people in times of difficulty without falling into the trap of depth.

This is one of the reasons why cash advance apps are so popular these days.

So, these are the reasons why people love using fintech apps. With this out of the way, it’s time to look at the reason to invest in creating a fintech app in the section below.

Why Develop a FinTech App? Benefits for Businesses

Why start a fintech business?

This is one of the first questions that comes to mind, even before the usual “how to make a fintech app” and rightfully so.

After all, the app development cost isn’t exactly cheap.

Fintech Apps Benefits for Businesses

But is it worth it? Well, the short answer to this question is YES. For the long answer, let’s discuss the various benefits fintech apps offer to their respective businesses.

These are, as mentioned below:

  • Deliver Enhanced Customer Experience

One of the keys to a successful business is customer satisfaction.

That’s why, top companies strive to deliver a better user experience. One of the ways to do it is to create a fintech app.

Mobile apps inherently offer more convenience and accessibility.

Fintech mobile apps let businesses offer mobile-first financial services, accessible anytime and anywhere, to make interactions quicker and smoother.

In fact, you don’t have to be a finance niche business to develop a fintech application.

Look at how Amazon Pay, Samsung Pay, and Google Pay were developed by three companies in completely different niches with the goal of offering a better overall experience to their end-users.

  • Generate More Revenue (Way More)

One of the main reasons why businesses want to create a fintech app is revenue generation.

It goes without saying fintech has one of the most fertile markets, there is. Fintech apps help businesses generate billions.

Here’s how it works: with financial apps, a business can expand into new markets, growing its reach without any geographic restriction, as people anywhere can download your app.

In addition to this, it also delivers better engagement to the user as fintech apps offer loyalty programs, gamified experiences, or educational financial content, leading to higher retention and repeat business.

All of this combines to deliver better sales, helping businesses generate a fortune.

Also Read: Fintech’s Impact on Businesses 

  • Streamlined Business Processes

Streamlined business processes are one of the main benefits that a fintech app solution can offer to businesses.

For starters, AI integration in apps opens doors to process automation. In other words, digital fintech solutions can automate manual tasks like invoicing, expense tracking, or loan approvals, saving time and minimizing errors.

Furthermore, data-driven insights into customer behavior and financial data help businesses improve their decision-making to the next level.

All of this also helps reduce business operating costs by eliminating reliance on physical branches or paper-based procedures, reducing operational overhead, and streamlining workflows.

  • Way More Opportunities

Developing a fintech app for business doesn’t only give you better user satisfaction, wider reach, and more revenue, but also opens doors to many more opportunities.

You see, with an app at your hands, a business can collaborate with other appsand reach a larger audience. It also let them improve revenue even further while also creating a brand image for themselves.

This is a top reason to go for fintech solution development today.

  • Evolution in Right Direction – Digitalization

The world is changing and mobile apps are the future of business.

In recent years we have seen how digitalization has helped businesses grow their business, gather more users, and generate revenue (A LOT of revenue).

Goes without saying, to be a part of the future, a business has to adapt and evolve. And today, this evolution comes in the form of mobile app development.

So, these are some of the big reasons to create a fintech app today. And with this out of the way, let’s look at some other industries that can benefit from fintech application integration.

Features to Include in FinTech App

To make this a complete guide to developing a fintech app, one can’t miss a feature.

Whether you talk about eWallet app features or that of an investment app, their role remains the same: driving user retention and delivering user satisfaction, while also delivering value.

Speaking of features, depending on the type of fintech app, it can be divided into two or three panels.

Let’s look at the features for each panel below.

Admin Panel FeaturesUser Panel FeaturesVendor/Merchant Panel Features (if applicable)
Dashboard AnalyticsRegistration and Profile ManagementProduct/Service Catalog
User ManagementWallet and Payment OptionsOrder Management
Transaction MonitoringTransaction HistoryPayment Processing
Risk ManagementBudgeting and Financial Planning ToolsInventory Tracking
Compliance TrackingNotifications and AlertsSales Analytics
Reporting and InsightsSecure AuthenticationLoyalty Program Management
Notification ManagementPersonalized RecommendationsInvoice and Billing
System ConfigurationPeer-to-Peer TransactionsCustomer Feedback
Security ControlsSavings and Investment FeaturesRefund/Return Handling
API Integration ManagementBill Payments and RemindersMarketing and Promotions
Customer Support InterfaceCustomer Support ChatbotIntegration with POS Systems

FinTech App Advanced Features

To create a financial app that stands out, basic features aren’t enough, you also have to look at the advanced features.

So, let’s look at some advanced features that you should consider before you build your own fintech app.

Fintech App Advanced Features

These are, as mentioned below:

1. AI-powered Financial Chatbots

AI-powered financial chatbots are some of the most in-demand fintech advanced features that you will come across. In fact, people prefer chatbots above human integration in virtual spaces.

With this feature, the user gets instant answers to your financial questions and receives personalized recommendations.

2. Voice-activated Banking

Voice commands in smartphones have become a trend, reaching almost every niche and industry that’s relevant. And fintech is one of them.

What this feature does is enable users to control finances and make transactions through voice commands. Thus, delivering a completely hands-free experience.

Also Read: Voice Payment Trends in FinTech

3. AR/VR for Financial Education

AR and VR are two of the biggest trends in Industry 4.0.

While they don’t have such a big impact on the fintech market’s core services, they can take financial education to the next level.

Using AR/VR integration, financial literacy apps can deliver immersive experiences to learn about complex financial concepts and investment strategies.

4. Gamified Financial Management

Gamification is yet another huge trend that makes mobile apps that much more fun to use.

Applying this to bore fintech apps encourages healthy financial habits through gamified challenges and rewards.

5. Open Banking APIs

If you want to build a fintech mobile app that helps your business gain competitive advantage, this advanced feature is a must.

Open banking APIs and connect your fintech app to various financial institutions to consolidate and manage all accounts in one place.

6. Bill Pay Integration

Online bill payments have become a trend now, driven by fintech’s niche, eWallet apps.

Therefore, considering an advanced feature that lets users pay bills directly within the app using saved payee information and scheduled payments is a good idea.

7. Buy Now Pay Later Integration

Buy Now Pay Later apps have become a trend in the market.

Consider BNPL integration as an option for an advanced feature in your app to enable users to shop online or make a bill payment and repay it easily in EMIs.

8. On-demand Financial Coaching

This fintech app feature is especially relevant to investment apps and trading apps.

Whenever a user needs personalized financial guidance from certified professionals via video chat or text messaging, they can use this feature.

9. Behavioral Biometrics

This works much like biometric authentication, but instead of unknown people, it monitors user behavior patterns for anomalies to detect potential unauthorized access.

10. AI-powered Financial Planning

Another AI-powered advanced feature is automated financial planning.

In other words, it offers automated budgeting, expense tracking, and bill payment based on spending patterns and income forecasts.

11. Blockchain-based Security

To take app security to the next level, it’s a good idea to introduce blockchain development and integration.

This will provide a secure and transparent storage of financial data using blockchain technology.

12. Hyper-personalized Dashboards

Personalization is the key to user retention. This feature delivers customizable interfaces tailored to individual financial goals, spending habits, and investment preferences. And if you want to create an app like PayPal that’s successful in the market, this is a feature that you just can’t miss.

13. Advanced Fraud Detection

One of the applications of AI in digital payment is fraud detection. And that’s exactly what this advanced feature enables.

Using AI and machine learning algorithms, the app analyzes transactions in real-time and flags suspicious activity.

Step-by-Step Fintech App Development Process

It’s time to answer “How to develop a fintech app”

The app development process isn’t rocket science, but it can be fairly complex. If you want to know how to start your own fintech app, it’s essential to understand the development process.

In this section of the blog, we shall be going through the step-by-step guide to create a fintech app, discussing each and everything in detail.

Fintech App Development Process

So let’s get right into it, starting with:

Step 1: Market Research

Since you already have an idea for a fintech app, it’s time to conduct mobile app market research.

This is a crucial step as it is here that a business gathers all the important information that will fuel the process of creating a FinTech application.

Conducting market research, analyzing competitor solutions, SWAT analysis, 5 forces analysis, barrier to entry, and such things are all dealt with in this step.

Once this is done, we will move to the next step of the process.

Step 2: Partnering with a FinTech App Solution Provider

To build a fintech app that disrupts the market, you need to find an app developer who can convert your idea to reality.

While there are a lot of fintech app solution providers to choose from, it’s more important to find the right one.

Here’s how you can hire developers:

Things to Consider When Hiring Fintech App Developers

It’s important to hire mobile app developers that fit your fintech project requirements.

i) Technical Expertise:

  • Fintech knowledge: Familiarity with regulations, digital onboarding APIs, and security protocols
  • Programming skills: Java, Python, Kotlin, Swift, React Native, Blockchain
  • Database expertise: SQL and data analysis tools

ii) Soft Skills:

  • Cloud experience: AWS, Azure, GCP
  • Communication: Clear, collaborative, problem-solving
  • Teamwork: Works effectively with different teams
  • Problemsolving: Critical thinking and creative solutions
  • Adaptability: Learns new technologies
  • Security awareness: API security, Data security best practices, Fintech Cyber security

iii) Additional considerations:

  • Experience: Prior fintech project experience
  • Portfolio: Reviews of previous work
  • Culture fit: Aligns with company culture
  • Location: Local, remote, or hybrid
  • Cost to hire developers: Budget, outsourcing, staff augmentation options

Also, you should always move forward with the proper product requirement documents and NDA.

In any case, once this is done, it’s time to create a plan.

Step 3: Create a Plan

With a development partner by your side, it’s time to create a plan for development. This is one of the most important parts of the fintech app development guide, so listen closely.

Let’s get started with choosing a platform.

A ] Choose an App Development Platform

The first part of the plan is choosing a platform.

This is something that you need to do whether you want to create an eWallet app or loan lending platform, it’s an essential step.

Speaking of which, there are two options here:

  • Native App Development

Let’s first look at Native platforms.

Here, you can either choose to hire Android app developers or iOS ones. Both of these are native appsand offer amazing performance that can’t be matched by hybrid apps.

On the other hand, iOS app development has a much higher potential of making money. Statistics show us that top iOS apps have generated way more revenue than their Android counterparts.

  • Hybrid App Development 

Moving on from native, if you want to hasslely choose between iOS and Android app development, go for hybrid app development services.

This lets you develop an app that runs on both of these platforms, offering amazing speed and several other benefits.

If you want to go with this, hire react native app developers. Even though there has been some React native vs flutter debate, the former one is the go-to choice for developers across the world.

  • Other Options

If you want to explore other options, there are a few.

These come in the form of PWA Development and the usual web app development solutions. Both of these offer unmatched speed in performance and easy updating.

In any case, once we are out of this, it’s time to build a tech stack.

B] Finalize a Tech Stack

The mobile app tech stack plays an important role in performance, cost, design, and everything else as well.

Take a look at the options you have here for fintech tech stack:

LayerTechnologyExample Apps
Front-EndReact NativeRevolut and Chime
FlutterRobinhood and Acorns
React.jsNubank, Square
WebAssemblyFinTech services with complex calculations.
Material Design & iOS Design LanguageMost major FinTech apps
Back-EndJava/Spring BootPayPal and Venmo
Python/Django/FlaskRobinhood and Wise
Node.js/Express.jsCoinbase and Revolut
GoBinance and Plaid
API GatewaysKong and Tyk
DatabasePostgreSQLStripe and TransferWise
MongoDBPayPal and Nubank
Time-series DatabasesInfluxDB, TimescaleDB
Cloud ProvidersAWSStripe, Plaid
Google Cloud Platform (GCP)Chime and Robinhood
Microsoft AzureMonzo, TransferWise
Security & ComplianceEncryptionAll FinTech apps
Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)All FinTech apps
PCI DSS ComplianceAll FinTech apps handling payments
SOC 2Many FinTech startups and established companies
Data Analytics & MLMachine LearningAcorns, Square Capital
Big DataCreditworthiness assessment and market predictions
Business Intelligence (BI)Investment portfolio analysis and customer behavior insights
Other Useful ToolsDevOps ToolsJenkins, Terraform
ContainerizationDocker, Kubernetes

All in all, it’s important to choose the right tech stack. Therefore, it’s highly recommended that you consult your development partner during this process.

C] Set Rules and Deadlines

It’s time to sit down with developers and decide on a few things. This includes the project timeline, development methodologies used, frequency of meetings, development budget, and other such things.

Once all of this is done, we will move to the next step:

Step 4: MVP Development

To begin with, this is not a mandatory step, it’s completely optional. But let’s see why it’s beneficial.

Whether you want to build a fintech app for Android or iOS, it isn’t cheap. And a lot of businesses often hesitate to invest in such large projects without any guarantee of success.

Well, this is where MVP development comes in.

This is a bare-bones version of the app with basic features and design elements. However, it is a full digital presentation of the app idea we started with.

The cost to develop fintech MVP is much cheaper compared to a full-fledged app. This is why it is often used to gather user feedback and secure funding for the FinTech app before full launch.

In addition to this, it also helps the company finalize fintech app features.

Again, it is completely optional if you have enough funds to build a FinTech app for iOS or Android. Let’s look at the next steps.

Step 5: FinTech App Designing

Fintech app design is very important, to say the least. It highly affects the app’s run in the market as well as how users perceive the platform.

Therefore, to create a fintech app that people receive well, it’s important to focus on UI/UX design.

Usually, this starts by understanding the user persona from the data gathered from market research. Then concepts turn into wireframes, going from low fidelity to high fidelity.

The next step is to convert it into a design prototype to get stakeholders’ approval. And with all said and done, app designers code the final design.

Currently, app design for fintech solutions follows the same principles as its subset, eWallet, therefore, it’s highly recommended that you learn from the eWallet app design guide.

Moving on, now that we are done with the fintech solution’s design, let’s move to the next step of creating a fintech app like Chime.

Step 6: App Development

This is the longest, most resource-consuming, and by far the most important part when you build a fintech app from scratch.

Because it’s here fintech app developers collaborate with the rest of the team to create the final version of the app. They put together a design with the back end, and dealt with all the APIs and databases, giving shape to the final version of the fintech app.

Due to the sheer amount of work involved in this step, it’s important to maintain good communication with the development team.

Moving on, let’s look at some third-party integration options that you should consider.

Third-Party Integration

Integration AreaPopular Services
PaymentsStripe, PayPal, Adyen, Braintree
Banking DataPlaid, Finicity, MX, Yodlee
Identity VerificationOnfido, Trulioo, Jumio, LexisNexis Risk Solutions
Credit ScoringExperian, Equifax, TransUnion, FICO
Investment ServicesDriveWealth, Alpaca, Interactive Brokers, Traditional Brokerage APIs
Financial Data and NewsMarketstack, Finnhub, Alpha Vantage, Reuters News API
Communication and AuthenticationTwilio, Vonage, Auth0, Okta
Fraud PreventionShift Science, ClearSale, Riskify, Arkose Labs
Regulatory ComplianceFidelis Security Systems, AcuityLogic, Traliant

Step 7: Testing

Now that you know how to develop a fintech app, let’s see how you polish it before sending it off to market.

Right out of the product line, fintech apps aren’t ready for deployment due to all the small defects, bugs, and errors. This is where mobile app testing comes in.

Currently, app testing highly depends on the platform and the goal you want to achieve. Regardless, one final round of Quality Assurance and testing to find all the issues. After this, all of them are fixed and sent off for deployment.

Step 8: Deployment

It’s time to launch the fintech app into the market!

Now, this is the least technical part of the process. However, the deployment process is different for all platforms.

For instance, the steps to publish an Android app on the Play Store and the steps to deploy iOS app on the App Store are highly different.

Speaking of which, it can take up to 2 weeks for the app to get approved (or rejected). In fact, various iOS apps get rejected due to strict guidelines from Apple’s App Store.

Step 9: Maintenance

This is how to build an app for fintech and deploy it.

But the work doesn’t end here. Following the app launch, it’s time to start app maintenance and support services. This is important to keep the app up and running.

In addition to this, this is also the right time to invest in app marketing.

Moving on, now that we are done with the ultimate guide to creating a fintech platform, let’s see how much all of this costs.

CTA 1_ Create A Fintech App & Disrupt The Market

Time & Cost to Build a FinTech App

So, how much does it cost to develop a fintech app?

On average, fintech app development cost ranges between $10,000 and $265,000 based on various factors.

This involves app maintenance cost, complexity of the app, UI/UX design cost, and so on. Let’s look at a complete breakdown of the same below:

FactorCost RangeExample Apps
App Complexity$10,000 – $25,000
  • Basic budgeting app
$20,000 – $35,000
  • Personal finance app with portfolio tracker
$30,000 – $45,000
  • Robo-advisor app with automated investing
$40,000 – $55,000
  • Algorithmic trading platform with advanced analytics
$50,000 – $65,000
  • Wealth management app with tailored investment strategies
Platform Development$10,000 – $20,000
  • Simple budgeting app for Android only
$20,000 – $30,000
  • Personal finance app available on both platforms
$30,000 – $40,000
  • Robo-advisor app accessible on the web and mobile
Third-Party Integrations$10,000 – $15,000
  • Budgeting app with PayPal integration
$15,000 – $25,000
  • Personal finance app with Plaid integration
$25,000 – $35,000
  • Robo-advisor app with real-time market data analysis
$35,000 – $45,000
  • Algorithmic trading platform with custom market data APIs
Security & Compliance$15,000 – $20,000
  • A simple budgeting app with password protection
$20,000 – $30,000
  • Personal finance app with secure login and transaction encryption
$30,000 – $40,000
  • Robo-advisor app complying with financial regulations
$40,000 – $50,000
  • Wealth management apps with advanced security protocols and data privacy compliance
Design & User Interface$10,000 – $15,000
  • A simple budgeting app with a straightforward interface
$15,000 – $25,000
  • Personal finance app with intuitive navigation and branded visuals
$25,000 – $35,000
  • Robo-advisor app with interactive features and customized dashboards
$35,000 – $45,000
  • Wealth management app with an intuitive onboarding process and engaging user experience
Testing & Deployment$10,000 – $15,000
  • A simple budgeting app with limited testing on one platform
$15,000 – $25,000
  • Personal finance app with automated unit tests and deployment on both iOS and Android
$25,000 – $35,000
  • Robo-advisor app with rigorous testing across

If you want to get accurate costs to develop an app, it’s highly recommended that you consult an on-demand development company.

Moving on, let’s look at how long it takes to develop a fintech app.

Time to Develop a FinTech App

In addition to the cost to develop a fintech app, people also often ask “How long does it take to develop an app?”

Let’s look at a detailed breakdown of time to create a fintech app like N26 below:

StageSub-stageEstimated Timeline (Months)
Discovery & StrategyMarket research & competitor analysis0.5-1
Target audience & user needs0.5-1
App concept & user flow0.5-1
Wireframes & prototypes0.5-1
DevelopmentBackend development3-6
Frontend development3-6
Third-party integrations1-3
Security & encryption1-2
Testing & RefinementAlpha testing0.5-1
Beta testing0.5-1
Bug fixing & optimization0.5-1
Launch App store submission0.5-1
Marketing & user acquisition0.5-1
Onboarding & support0.5-1
Ongoing Maintenance & DevelopmentApp updates & improvement0.5-1 per month
Security monitoring & updates0.5-1 per month
Performance optimization & scaling0.5-1 per month

Common Challenges When Building a FinTech App

The journey to market success isn’t a smooth one. That’s why so many fintech startups fail.

And understanding that is a big part of becoming the next big player.

Let’s look at common challenges in developing fintech apps, their impact, and strategies. Here are some lessons for fintech startups:


Fintech Regulatory LandscapeComplying with complex regulationsIncreased costs, operational delays, potential non-compliance penalties
Staying updated with evolving regulationsOperational adjustments, potential business disruption
Meeting geographical compliance requirementsMarket restrictions and additional development efforts
Security and Data PrivacyProtecting sensitive user dataReputational damage, financial losses and legal consequences
Preventing fraud and financial crimeFinancial losses, operational disruption, user anxiety
Technology and DevelopmentChoosing the right tech stackPerformance issues, scalability limitations, security vulnerabilities
Integration complexitiesDevelopment delays, technical challenges, compatibility issues
Keeping up with technological advancementsFeature gaps, competitive disadvantages, outdated products
User Acquisition and RetentionDifferentiating yourself from competitorsLow user adoption and limited market share
Providing engaging user experiencesUser churn, negative feedback, decreased brand loyalty
Building user loyaltyLimited customer lifetime value and difficulty in scaling
Market & Business ChallengesSecuring fundingLimited resources and operational constraints
Managing operational costsReduced profitability, unsustainable business model
Gaining user trust in a new industryUser hesitation, slow market adoption

FinTech App Monetization Strategies

Are you wondering how fintech apps make money?

Well, you aren’t the only one. In fact, it is one of the most important questions to ask when considering building a fintech application.

The answer is app monetization strategies.

Various methods are used to generate money via a fintech app and when done right, it can generate billions, as evident from statistics.

Fintech App Monetization Strategies

Let’s look at a few methods that you can use in your app:

  • Transaction Fee

Starting with one of the most popular fintech app monetization models, the transaction fee is charged as a small percentage of each transfer.

While it might not seem like something, when you note the fact that these appshave over a billion users performing multiple transactions a day, the true magnitude is made clear.

This is also commonly seen in eWallet app monetization strategies.

  •  Freemium Model

The freemium model is quite an interesting one.

This is often seen in apps like Hulu, however, it is easily applicable in a fintech app as well.

What happens here is that the platform offers a free version where users can access limited connections with some compromises like routine advertisements and promotions.

To get rid of it and access the full content, the user needs to pay a fee that goes directly to the fintech business in the form of revenue.

  •  Subscription Models

We have all heard about subscription-based apps.

In layman’s terms, this platform lets users access the services of the platform only affecting the subscription to a plan. This is more often than not an annual or monthly recurring fee.

This is one of the most successful monetization models for fintech apps.

  • Data Monetization

Data monetization is the model you take when you have a lot of users and want to generate millions.

With the consent of users, their behavioral data and other platform-related data are shared with other companies which are used for advertisement and commercial purposes.

This is a common choice when someone wants to develop an app like Instagram, as it generates billions and will provide free apps to users.

  • Advertisement & Paid Promotions

Lastly, we have advertisements and paid promotions.

Here, you can partner with other companies to provide paid promotions to them. In addition to this, the fintech app can also monetize by showing ads.

The best part about this monetization strategy is, it can be paired with others to generate a lot of revenue. For instance, it is employed in the “free” version of the freemium model.

This is how you make money with the fintech app. And with this out of the way, let’s look at some fintech app market trends.

FinTech App Trends

In this section of the guide to building a fintech application, it’s time to look at Fintech app trends i.e. impact of fintech on businesses in the future.

Using these trends, you can offer users more value, driving user retention, and revenue generation. So, let’s see what these trends are:

  • Artificial Intelligence – there are various applications of AI in fintech that we are seeing today, from smart assistants to virtual coaches and so on. This is what makes it one of the largest trends in not only fintech apps but also Industry 4.0.
  • Chatbot – innovation in chatbot development and its integration in chatbots have become a trend over recent years as people are starting to prefer chatbot integration over humans.
  • Blockchain – blockchain – the world’s most popular digital ledger – has several implementations in fintech, ranging from crypto wallet app development to driving app security to the next level.
  • Automating Finance – driven by the need to deliver more convenience to users, appshave started automating financial processes requiring less time
  • Microservices – microservices in app development are changing how companies are serving their users. Its implementation in fintech is inevitably delivering us with better than ever solutions.

Tips to Make Your FinTech App a “Sensation”

If you want to become the next market leader, disrupt the market, and generate billions, it isn’t enough to just develop a fintech app. There are hundreds of companies that are doing this.

Tips To Make Your Fintech App A “Sensation”

To become successful among people, you need to do something different and stand out.

So, here are some lessons for fintech startups:

1. Find Unique Value Proportion

To be successful in the market, a fintech app has to offer something unique. But how do you do it?

Well, here are a few things you can do:

Firstly, “Go niche”. In other words, instead of trying to compete with everything, focus on a specific pain point or underserved market within the broader fintech landscape.

Moving forward with this philosophy will help you shape a fintech app into a market leader.

In addition to this, a fintech business should never try to replicate existing features. Rather, put emphasis on being creative and offering new ways to manage finances, invest, or make payments.

2. Deliver a Secure, Transparent, and User-Friendly FinTech App

Whether you talk about creating a fintech app like Wise or using it, one of the first points of concern is app security.

For this, you can implement robust security measures to protect user data and build trust.

Remember, transparency is key here, and clearly communicate your security practices. And a big part of it comes from design; therefore, designing a user interface that is simple and easy to navigate, even for non-technical users.

Plus, ensure your app is accessible to users with disabilities and diverse needs.

3. Never Overlook Industry Trends

Trends are like waves where the fintech market is the sea.

So, if you want to create a successful fintech app, you have to be like a ship that sails these waves. In layman’s terms, always leverage from market trends.

Stay up-to-date and continuously researching. This will help you adapt to emerging trends in finance, technology, and consumer behavior.

If you want to be successful, don’t be afraid to take risks, rather embrace innovation and be open to exploring new technologies like blockchain, artificial intelligence, and big data.

This isn’t a lot of companies don’t do, consequently, a lot of fintech startups fail in the early stages.

4. Listen to the User & Adapt

The consumer is the king, they are the center of every business, the pole star for your journey to success.

Therefore, it’s important to listen to users.

For this, you have to actively solicit feedback from users through surveys, focus groups, and in-app channels.

In addition to this, it’s also important to be responsive and implement changes that address their pain points and suggestions.

One easy way to do it is to build a community and foster engagement with your users through social media, forums, and other channels. This is something a lot of top companies do.

5. Learn From Other’s (Mistakes & Strengths)

Lastly, never stop learning.

Always take time to research the competition and analyze successfully as well as unsuccessful fintech apps to understand what works and what doesn’t.

When you identify common pitfalls, it becomes easy to learn from the mistakes of others and avoid repeating them in your own app.

One of the best things you can do is benchmark against best practices, study industry leaders, and identify their strengths so that you can adapt to your own fintech app.

So, these are the tips to follow if you want the Fintech App.CTA 2_ Hire Fintech App Developers at Afforadable Cost

How Nimble AppGenie Can Help You Build a Successful FinTech App?

Do you want to develop a fintech app?

Nurturing an app idea and converting it into a successful fintech app is a lot of work. You can let go of all of that by partnering with the best app development partners.

Nimble AppGenie is a renowned fintech app development company with years’ worth of experience in the market, working on 700+ projects, and delivering 95% client satisfaction.

Some of our top solutions are, as mentioned below:

  • Pay By Check – Popular ewallet mobile app with exchange currency.
  • DafriBank – Digital Bank of Africa is a leading banking portal
  • SatPay –  Versatile eWallet Solution
  • CUT – E-wallet Mobile App – RMB and MMK currencies.
  • SatBorsa – Currency Exchange Fintech app.

For our contribution to the fintech industry, we are recognized by top platforms like, GoodFirms, and DesignRush.

If you have an idea for a fintech app, we have the right tools to bring it to reality. Contact us today and we will assign you a team of top fintech app developers within 24 hours.


Fintech is changing the world for the better, creating an infrastructure that enables lighting fast, secure, and seamless payment from one part of the world to the other. Fintech apps like Robinhood, Chime, PayPal, and Venmo have defined time and time again how there is more room for innovation.

It’s time for your business to invest and create a fintech app that disrupts and takes the market by storm. If you have a unique idea that you can think can solve user’s problems and deliver more value to them, bring it to reality.

Done right, you can create a fintech app and experience business growth like never before, reaching millions and generating endless revenue in the market. With this being said, we conclude the blog.


A fintech mobile application is a software platform designed to provide financial services, such as banking, investment, payments, or budgeting, through mobile devices.

Building a fintech mobile app presents numerous opportunities in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Here are some compelling reasons:

  • Market Demand
  • Financial Inclusion
  • Revenue Potential
  • Innovation
  • User Convenience

The process of building a fintech app involves several key steps:

  • Market Research:
  • Hire developers with the right technical expertise and soft skills.
  • Create A Plan
  • MVP Development
  • Fintech App Designing:
  • App Development
  • Testing
  • Deployment
  • Maintenance

While a background in finance can be beneficial, it’s not mandatory. Collaborating with financial experts or hiring professionals with financial knowledge can compensate for any lack of expertise in the field.

To validate your fintech app idea:

  • Conduct Market Research
  • Feedback from Users
  • Prototype Testing
  • Regulatory Compliance

User-centered design is crucial in fintech apps because it ensures:

  • Intuitiveness
  • User-Friendly Experience
  • Security
  • Effective Onboarding

Consider the following technologies for fintech app development:

  • Front-End: React Native, Flutter, React.js, WebAssembly,
  • Back-End: js/Express.js, Go, API Gateways.
  • Database: PostgreSQL, MongoDB,
  • Cloud Providers: AWS, GCP
  • Security & Compliance: Encryption, Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

To ensure the security of financial data in your app:

  • Encryption
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
  • Compliance
  • Regular Updates

The cost of developing a fintech app can vary based on factors such as app complexity, platform development, third-party integrations, security, design, testing, and deployment. On average, fintech app development costs range between $10,000 and $65,000.

The timeline to develop a fintech app varies depending on the specific features and complexity. Here’s an estimated breakdown:

  • Discovery & Strategy: 2-4 months
  • Development: 7-15 months
  • Testing & Refinement: 2-4 months
  • Launch: 2-4 weeks
  • Ongoing Maintenance & Development: Continuous

Table of Contents