Today, fashion and technology intersect more seamlessly this is why Fashion app development gaining remarkable momentum ever more than before.

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, fashion apps played a pivotal role in reshaping the way we engage with fashion. During this time fashion industry has faced unprecedented challenges.

However, fashion apps swiftly adapted to the changing landscape and offered innovative solutions to cater to the evolving needs of customers.

Many brands popular brands like Nike, Bershka, Hermes, and many others have their fashion e-commerce apps. In 2023, the global fashion e-commerce market is forecast to reach over 820 Bn U.S. dollars. By 2027 it could reach over 1.2 trillion U.S  dollars.

Moreover, a prominent example during this time was the rise of virtual try-on and fitting room apps. As physical shopping became limited and risky, these apps allowed users to virtually try on clothes, experiment with styles, and make informed purchase decisions from the safety of their homes.

Whether it’s virtual fitting rooms and personalized style recommendations to seamless e-commerce experiences, fashion apps are revolutionizing the way we shop, express ourselves, and stay on trend.

If you are an entrepreneur who wants to invest in fashion app development, you are in the right place.

Fashion App Development: Market Statistics

Market stats of fashion app development

Fashion app development is a dynamic and rapidly evolving sector that intersects fashion and technology, reshaping how we engage with style and clothing.

According to Statista, the global fashion e-commerce market was valued at US $668 Bn in 2021, and it is estimated that it could reach over US $1.2 Trillion by 2025.

The fashion app market has experienced explosive growth in recent years. Mobile devices have become the preferred platform for fashion shopping.

Moreover, the revenue in the fashion segment of the e-commerce market in Asia was forecast to continuously increase between 2023 and 2027 by 147.3 Bn in U.S. dollars.

Statistically, over 80% of fashion e-commerce traffic comes from mobile devices, highlighting the importance of fashion apps in driving sales.

Moreover, AI plays a pivotal role in the fashion app market. Apps that leverage AI for personalized recommendations have witnessed a significant increase in user engagement and sales.

In fact, AI-driven product recommendations can lead to a 30% higher conversion rate. The fashion app development has global reach, the Asia-Pacific region, including countries like China and India, is a burgeoning market for fashion apps. With this being said, let’s understand what is fashion app in the next section.

What Is Fashion App?

The fashion application is designed to provide fashion-related services such as outfit suggestions, shopping assistance, style inspiration, and social networking for fashion enthusiasts.

Most mobile fashion apps use features like image recognition, AL, ML, and Augmented reality that provide personalized fashion recommendations.

Moreover, with online fashion shopping apps users can browse a wide range of fashion products, create wish lists receive notifications about sales and discounts, and connect with other fashion-minded people.

Benefits Of Fashion App For Fashion Business

Benefits Of Fashion App For Fashion Business

Fashion apps become a necessity in the fashion industry as more and more people are turning to e-commerce for their shopping needs. As these apps provide convenience for shoppers to browse clothes and accessories from comfort of their homes.

So, if you are a fashion business owner you need to invest in fashion mobile app development.

However, the best shopping apps in the fashion market are Mango, Nike, Nate, Depop, and others. These apps are easily downloaded and installed in your mobile phone so that users can easily choose from various category available for purchasing.

Let’s take a look at the benefits of fashion apps:

·        Enhanced customer engagement

For fashion businesses, fashion app development is a great way to enhance customer engagement. In this way, you can send notifications about new arrivals, promotions, and special events, keeping your audience engaged and informed.

·        Improved customer experience

Fashion apps allow for a seamless and user-friendly shopping experience. Moreover, customers can easily browse products, access detailed product information, and make purchases with just a few taps on their smartphones.

·        Virtual fitting rooms

Some fashion apps incorporate augmented reality technology to enable customers to virtually try on clothing, helping them visualize how items will look before buying.

·        Inventory management

With fashion apps, fashion businesses can effectively manage their inventory, track stock levels in real time, and prevent overstock or understock situations.

·        Competitive advantage

Having a mobile app sets you apart from competitors who may rely solely on websites or brick-and-mortar stores. It demonstrates your commitment to staying up-to-date with technology and meeting the evolving needs of your customers.

·        Global reach

Fashion apps have the potential to reach a global audience. With proper localization and marketing efforts, one can expand your fashion business to new markets and demographics.


Key Features Of Fashion Mobile App

Fashion Merchant/Store Owner Panel Features

Admin Panel Features

Customer Panel Features

Register and loginSecure login via emailSocial sign-up/ sign-in
Manage brand profile and set up storesView admin dashboardBrowse and filter products
Manage product catalog & ordersManage customers/merchantsView offers and discounts
Run product promotions and campaignsManage ad campaignsView loyalty programs/ Live chat support
Manage support ticketsManage product categoriesView product details and reviews
View reports, metrics & analyticsManage promotions/rewards/pointsAdd product to cart/ Wishlist
Accept online paymentsManage paymentsCreate a support ticket
Automatic adjustment of inventory on a product saleManage customer supportReal-time shipment tracking
View user reviews and ratingsManage referrals/invitesMultiple Payment options
Push notifications & alertsManage marketing and distribution channelsApply for return and exchange


Step-By-Step Guide To Fashion App Development

Step-By-Step Guide To Fashion App Development

Creating a fashion app involves several steps, from conceptualization to deployment. Before investing in a fashion app, it is recommended to consult the cost with an e-commerce development company. They will provide you with the right guidance.

With this being said, let’s take a look at the step-by-step guide to fashion app development.

1.     Define App Goals & Target Audience

The first and foremost important thing is to identify your target audience and their specific fashion-related needs. Now research the market to understand trends, competition, and gaps in the fashion app landscape.

Also, define the value proposition of your app and outline your goals.

2.     Choose development Platform

Now decide on the platform, you are going to develop for such as iOS or Android. If you are choosing cross-platform development use tools like Flutter or React native.

3.     Hire development team

It’s time to hire mobile app developers, a team of skilled designers, and testers to bring your app to life. When you hire experienced professionals make sure they are familiar with the platform and technologies you choose.

4.     Create Wireframe

After hiring ask your team of UI/UX designers to create a wireframe to visually represent your app’s structure and functionality.

Moreover, it will help you with your app’s interface and user experience. Frontend is the most crucial aspect of the app as it is responsible for the client retention rate.

5.     Backend development

Once your app frontend is ready you start the backend development, ask your team of developers to start the backend of the app by writing clean code.

All you have to do is regularly meet with the team to discuss group projects and provide feedback to ensure the app meets your goals.

6.     Testing

After the completion of the development, it’s time for testing. It is important to test your app and find bugs and errors. So that you can rectify them in the testing phase.

7.     Launch and Promote the app

Once your app is free from bugs and errors and ready to launch in the app store. All you have to do is promote it through various platforms like social media, paid advertising email marketing, etc.

8.     Maintenance

Launching is not the last step you have to regularly work on the maintenance services to make your fashion app successful.

Continuous maintenance and updating of the fashion app will ensure that it will remain functional for your relevant users.

How Much Does It Cost To Develop A Fashion App?

How Much Does It Cost To Develop A Fashion App

If you want to develop an app like Shein or any fashion app it’s essential to get the estimated cost of the e-commerce fashion app. Although it’s tough to get an exact estimate of the app development, you can state a rough estimate of how much the fashion app development will cost.

Several factors affect the cost of development such as:

  • Complexity of the app
  • Developing an app for one platform
  • Features and functionality of the app
  • Designing aspect
  • Third-party integration services
  • Testing of the app
  • Location of the developers
  • Time taken to develop the app
  • Maintenance services
  • Marketing and launch

These factors are solely responsible for the cost of app development. Now let’s look at the rough estimate based on typical industry standards.

·        Fashion E-commerce app

A feature-rich e-commerce app with capabilities like user accounts, shopping cart, payment processing, and integration with an existing e-commerce platform will cost between $30,000 to $100,000.

·        AR/ VR fashion app

If you integrate AR/VR features into your fashion app, it will cost you around $100,000 to $300,000 or more, depending on the extent of AR/VR integration.

·        Cross-platform app

If you are planning to make your fashion app available for both platforms consider allocating an additional 50% to 100% of the development cost to accommodate cross-platform development tools like React Native or Flutter.

·        Backend development and maintenance

The cost of developing and maintaining the backend infrastructure could add another $20,000 to $50,000 or more depending on complexity.

·        Design and User experience

High-quality design and user experience are essential for a fashion app. Expect to allocate a significant portion of your budget around 20% to 30% to design and UI/UX considerations.

·        Testing and QA

Plan for thorough testing and quality assurance to ensure a bug-free and polished app. Testing costs can range from %15 to 20% of the overall budget.

Overall, the rough estimates and actual costs can vary significantly based on your specific requirements and the development team you choose.


The world of fashion is evolving rapidly, and technology has become an integral part of this industry. Fashion app development offers endless possibilities for designers, brands, retailers, and fashion enthusiasts to connect, engage, and thrive in this digital age.

We hope this guide has been an enlightening resource, equipping you with the knowledge and inspiration you need to embark on your fashion app development adventure. Your fashion app could be the next big thing in the industry, bringing style and convenience to fashion lovers around the globe. If you want to know more feel free to contact us, we are an experienced mobile app development company.


A fashion app is a mobile application designed to offer fashion-related services and experiences to users. Whether you’re in the fashion retail business or want to engage fashion enthusiasts, a fashion app can enhance your brand presence and provide unique experiences to your audience.

Key features of a fashion app may include product catalogs, user profiles, shopping carts, secure payment processing, product recommendations, social sharing, virtual try-ons, real-time fashion feeds, and more. The features you choose will depend on your app’s goals and target audience.

The cost of developing a fashion app can vary widely based on factors like complexity, platform(s), design, and features. Rough estimates range from $10,000 for a basic app to $300,000 or more for a feature-rich, AR/VR-enhanced fashion app.

The choice between iOS, Android, or both depends on your target audience and budget. Consider factors like user demographics and preferences when deciding which platforms to prioritize.

The development timeline varies based on the app complexity and features. Simple apps may take a few months, while more advanced apps can take six months or longer. Effective project management can help streamline the timeline.

Investing in professional UI/UX design is crucial for creating an appealing and user-friendly fashion app. Hire experienced designers who understand the latest design trends and best practices.

Security is paramount for e-commerce fashion apps. Ensure robust encryption, secure payment gateways, and compliance with industry standards. Regular security audits are also essential.

AR and VR can provide immersive shopping experiences, such as virtual try-ons or 360-degree product views. They enhance user engagement and can set your fashion app apart from competitors.

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